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It all serves a purpose. 12/17/2023 - 01/16/2024

Updated: Jan 10, 2024

Hello everybody! Welcome to my column.

Each month I will draw a Major Arcana tarot card which represents one of many possible paths to follow. Major Arcana cards represent the archetypical themes of life, presenting the overall possible experiences.

Deck: Mermaid Tarot By Leeza Robertson Illustrations by Julie

Card: 12 The Hanged Man

Clarity, perspective and letting go are the three themes for this coming month all wrapped in one little bow of The Hanged Man. The Hanged Man is suspended upside down on the card allowing himself the possibility of seeing things from a new angle. He is not fighting nor worrying about his position. He breathes, relaxes and takes it all in; assessing his situation.

Perspective is one of the most important things here in this life. It allows us to have a peaceful sit in traffic, or a stressed and worrisome journey. It is the cornerstone which holds together our individual worlds. The way we look at situations is key to our own happiness. For instance, if we take our emotions into consideration, they are merely a guiding system. As someone who grew up “too sensitive” and who cried “too much” I am now able to see how and why I regulate the way I do. Having a system literally built into place to show us when we are moving in and out of alignment within ourselves is like having a “cheat code” for life. It all serves a purpose. It is up to us to choose what we take in, what we feel, and how we respond. Perspective can come from taking ourselves out of the moment and viewing the situation from a “third point of view’ or hearing what another is saying while having an open mind that allows us to see a broader picture. It allows us to look back at old situations and to see how far we may have come.

During my healing journey there have been times where I have looked back embarrassed, ashamed, and even guilty for actions taken during my “villain era.’ Now I am able to see how unhealed that woman was, how much hurt she had while screaming on the inside at the way her life was on the outside. I was a woman who was in the depths of mental hell and torture, who lived her life from fear and ego based decisions. I envision hugging her, of even thanking her for getting me to the point I am at now. I have been able to forgive myself and understand where she was coming from while letting go of the disempowering judgement I was holding onto, all thanks to perspective.

There have been times when I have looked back and seen moments of pure empowerment and strength that I had never seen before. I was showing myself how the strength has been there all along, guiding me and pushing me to be here now. I was so wrapped up in the middle of everything before, that I wasn’t able to see it.

The Hanged Man encourages us to surrender by letting go; letting go of the need to be correct; letting go of fighting the current; letting go of our own ego timelines; letting go of tirelessly trying to find a solution. When we are at an impasse while making a decision or finding the right solution, we might worry and stress looking for the correct answer. When that happens, its possible that it is just not the right time. Sometimes, letting go and taking a step back, allows us to receive the answer we are searching for when the timing is right. Then, we step back in to the game of life and embrace all that is new and travel down the path of the next moment.

As we finish up with 2023 and we start 2024 in these next several weeks of winter, let us remember that even the Earth takes time to rest in its seasons of new growth, thriving, decay, and retreat; even the Earth surrenders to the winds of change offering it’s strong knowledge of letting go.

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