Hello! Hello! Happy last Wednesday of November!
Deck: White Light Oracle, Alana Fairchild
Card: 21 Seraph of 963hz
Message: "Practice connecting to the joy that is always deep within you. Pay attention to what brings you exquisite delight. If you don't know what that is, you are guided to experiment and explore! Connecting to the joyful capacity of your heart will heal so much negativity and uncertainty. Let your heart relax. Allow the spiritual grace that wishes to reorder your life to manifest its miraculous magic.
When we feel love, when we are in love, our hearts are open and receptive. The Divine isn't interested in praise for its own sake, but for what we can receive when our hearts are opened by it{...} This Oracle brings a message straight from the Divine to you: Let me Love you."
During these last couple days of November and the start of December, it is natural to worry about all that we had set out to accomplish this year, and perhaps didn't. We may fall into habits of feeling disappointed and rushed to get it all done in the next four weeks. Relax. The most important moment is now. It is happening this very second. Doing our best is all any of us can do. Each and every day, each and every moment, our best looks different for each of us. Connecting to ourselves and bringing out the joy within our hearts is our truest way of life. Do not allow worry, fear, disappointment, or judgement to rob you of the happiness you deserve in this exact moment. If Joy seems too far fetched, look for the feeling that will allow some relief. Relief is the key. Take a deep breath, continue finding the next level of relief, and dive into the desires within.
Tis' the season of Joy. Embrace it!
If you would like to schedule a one-on-one card reading or motivational session, please contact me to get booked!
You got this! ✨
Have a great week.