Hello everybody! Welcome to my column.
Each month I will draw a Major Arcana tarot card which represents one of many possible paths to follow. Major Arcana cards represent the archetypical themes of life, presenting the overall possible experiences.
Deck: Mermaid Tarot By Leeza Robertson Illustrations by Julie
Card: #0 The Fool
The Fool is naive, fresh, and has set off on a new adventure with new beginnings and freedom. The fool has freedom from the old repeated cycles we’ve clutched onto, freedom to roam as a wild spirit and freedom to embrace our inner peace. The Fool is a representation of those baby steps we first start to take when we stand up after a fall, or the steps we take when we’ve made a decision to move forward in a new way than what we may have chosen before.
In previous columns we have discussed things such as; the healing benefits of letting go, making different choices, confronting ourselves while taking accountability with ownership of our emotions, and understanding how our thoughts come from beliefs we “inherited” from others. This awareness has brought us to the point of “Okay, I see this, now what?"
So, what happens after that? What happens next? Let’s say here we are at a point where we’ve pulled ourselves into a space of peace, we’ve hit a point of “enough.” We are looking brightly at the future ahead, accepting of our past and present, and we are still not sure of what to do with this new state of being.
We follow through.
Follow-through can sometimes be the scariest and hardest part of growth. It’s unknown, an idea that hasn’t seen the light of day with action. Turning these inspired ideas into realistic steps towards actionable goals for a stronger you requires courage; because it can feel as though we ask ourselves: “Who is this person? Who is this person without a relationship? Who is this person inside a healthy relationship? Who is this person that chooses new coping habits?” This person is me. This person is you, the you that is striving and calling you inward so they may be unleashed.
When we rise into a new level of our selves, a level in which we’ve been dreaming about, it can come with grief for time lost, sadness from feeling selfish, or even fear based on the fact that we learned to fight and survive in this way and don’t know how we will proceed without the armor.
When my fiancee’s and my relationship ended, there was no thought about a new relationship at that time. There was no space for another person. There typically isn’t in a construction zone. For me, the cones were up, work was being done. “No entry allowed.” It went on for over two years. There was no desire in the beginning. The more I healed, the more I fell in love with myself. This was new to me. I had been consistently in relationships beginning at the age of 15. But, this time, I chose me. I chose my growth and my inner peace above all else. This Fool’s journey for me was above the “duality” of single or taken. It was just different. When we give ourselves the power of “different” we give ourselves the power to evolve.
The Fool reminds us to embrace the Unknown; to find safety in the progress of change. We embark on this New Day with a fresh perspective, ready for the twists and turns ahead along our path, trusting that life has our back.
What are the steps for follow-through for your new path?