Hello everybody! Welcome to my column.
Each month I will draw a Major Arcana tarot card which represents one of many possible paths to follow. Major Arcana cards represent the archetypical themes of life, presenting the overall possible experiences.
Deck: Mermaid Tarot By Leeza Robertson Illustrations by Julie
Card: #6 The Lovers
In these monthly columns, we spend a lot of time talking about ourselves. We discuss healing for our own benefit, personal growth in countless situations, trusting ourselves at every turn, and putting ourselves first. There are endless moments of encouragement dedicated to giving ourselves time for our own hobbies, meditation, grounding, and overall sanity. I have gone on and on about the importance of finding a way to have inner peace. Well, this column will only stress the importance of this even more, seeing as how this month’s card is, “The Lovers.”
When we say “The Lovers” people tend to automatically think of, well, their lovers; their partners; past, present, or even future potentials come into play. Rightfully so, I mean the card is literally called “The Lovers.” And, while this card can represent external relationships, its more about the internal relationship we have with ourselves, the mending of two energies into one. Whether that consists of our masculine and feminine energies working together; the melting of our “light” and “dark” into a swirl of cohesive force, or even more so, the duplicitous fact of our physical presence and our spiritual presence in a constant dynamic of balance.
The relationship we have with ourselves is of the utmost importance. In a world where the narrative says that it is “selfish” to love oneself, or even the idea of loving oneself is a “money making scam” or “cliche”, solely for the purpose of keeping us disconnected from ourselves, the fight for not putting ourselves on the “back burner” behind everyone else is forever a war. When we are disconnected, we lose our power. We fall into the marketing schemes of the world that keep us chained to comfort zones and an autopilot lifestyle.
The relationship we have with ourselves is the longest and most in-depth relationship we will ever have here on earth. This is why it is so crucial how we spend our time, which of course includes the way we talk to ourselves. We have discussed at length how the criticizing voice in our heads has come from others that we have turned into a belief of our own, and how our beliefs are what drive us. They are in the subconscious controlling “the panel” from which we move through life. I personally have read countless books (and am still reading) about the power of a positive mindset. I am not talking about “toxic positivity” where we paint rose colored glasses on our face and just smile through it all, no. I am talking about the ability to speak kindly, with grace, patience, love, and persistence inside our own minds, even amongst our toughest of days. Words matter. The language we choose to use while speaking to others and ourselves makes an impact. It may seem little today, but after 30, 40, 50 years of repeating it, you believe it.
When we are angry, that is okay. We can allow ourselves to feel the anger, understand the anger and move that anger through us so we may see if objectively. When the cloudy days have rolled in, and the overwhelming feelings of being “stuck” or “lost” are weighing us down, we join forces with the other part of us and actively ground ourselves into a frequency which will allow for relief. Our mind is a fortress, why not make it a safe and loving space to be?
As I have always tried to transparently display within these columns, there are times when the relationship I have with myself can be tumultuous at best (hence all the books). There have been bright and shiny days, days filled with thundering storm clouds, days where both are happening, and days filled with numbness. Its a strange place to be when the cloudy days are overwhelming, filled with crying and emotional rollercoasters, and yet still are filled with sun-shiny gratitude. Both things can be true. Thats the secret, the very thing that can change the perspective of how things are absorbed. I can be happy and sad, crabby and silly, sometimes within seconds of each other. Being my own “lover” means being gentle and kind to all of me, every nook and cranny, as the me I am today emerges into the me I am tomorrow. Sometimes that can come from a simple exchange of words. For instance, instead of describing situations as “stupid” I say “silly” because stupid is not a way I would describe myself, in any capacity. I am intelligent, brilliantly insightful, and intuitive. These columns are as much a message for me as they are for you, as I also, continue on my own journey full of lessons, growth, joy, sadness, and inner peace every day.
Be kind to yourself.