Hello everybody! Welcome to my column.
Each month I will draw a Major Arcana tarot card which represents one of many possible paths to follow. Major Arcana cards represent the archetypical themes of life, presenting the overall possible experiences.
Deck: Mermaid Tarot By Leeza Robertson Illustrations by Julie
Card: 18 The Moon
The Moon is the Divine feminine energy of the subconscious; the direct link to the deep crevasses of our emotions. The healing power of the moon reminds us that life is full of phases. It is a reminder that, even in times of emptiness, we will in fact, be full again. We are encouraged to have Grace with ourselves as we move through every phase.
The light of the moon continues to shine in any phase, reminding us the light is always there, deep within, ready to illuminate those around us. The moon plays its own roll in the balance of life. It is in the darkness opposite of the sun; a powerful and intuitive link to our souls.
When we break down the moon’s phases there are two that are most commonly known; the Full moon and the New Moon. Each month we experience at least one of each. There are some very rare occasions in which the calendar aligns bringing two of one phase or the other.
The Full moon is most commonly known for it’s healing aspects of letting go. We take stock of all which no longer serves us and face the turbulence within. When we intend to let go of something, what happens is we find ourselves suddenly surrounded by that thing which we want to let go of. We receive opportunities to transmute that energy into growth. For example, if we want to let go of being impatient, we tend to find ourselves in situations that invoke the impatience within. This allows us the opportunity to hold ourselves accountable to the fact that we slipped into impatience, and to discover why that is; thus, in turn, teaching us to be patient. In order to be patient, we must be put into situations where we react with impatience. When we start to consciously release and shed what we don’t want, we create the room for what it is that we do want to come into place.
The New moon is all about intentions and bringing forth that which we desire. Its about new beginnings and fresh new starts. This is the time when we step into our power of calling forth our manifestations. Its the time when we excitedly make new plans for our goals and allow ourselves to dream. We set intentions with the inspiration and motivation for new.
Of course, for us to have a much more in-depth and personalized look into the Moon, we add in the Zodiac signs of each current moon phase, plus that zodiac’s placement in our own chart and our own moon placement. We also add in the numerological date of each phase, the astrologic point of all the other planet’s positions at the time, plus our own charts placements, along with a whole bunch more in order to reveal one big language of individualized experiences, reactions, strengths, and guidance for the current phase. It is definitely much more than I am able to get into in this one column, but, it truly is its own beautiful guiding map.
Today, as I finish writing this month’s column, it is the March New Moon. For me, I can feel the rush of exciting inspirations of new goals. I had a meeting with a friend and colleague earlier today that left us both exuding joy and excitement for growth and expansion in our businesses. Coming together as a team, and as a community, left us with homework to do more research. There are exciting new things coming our way and I am so grateful to be taking this journey with her. I know that the seeds planted today will have a huge impact on us both in the future. Now we must continue to nourish these ideas by working diligently to help them grow.
What intentions will you set forth for the next month? What steps can you take to make your dreams come true? What strength can you show for yourself in following through on your goals?