Hello Followers! Happy Wednesday to you!
As you know, last week there was not a weekly card pull. I got very sick and decided to take time off to rest, recoup, and to heal. Thank you all for your patience and understanding. It goes to show how important it is for us to listen to our bodies and to allow ourselves time to rest in our daily lives. I know personally, I had begun to "spin out" with busy task filled days without making self care a top priority. I have become aware enough to realize a pattern that at times, when I over-schedule to a point of burn out, it is because I am running from myself. It's as if my mind believes that if I am focused enough externally about controlling all around me and staying busy then I don't have the time to process and dive into what's going on internally. Well, the universe decided to strongly encourage and push me into resting and processing, with a twist. It can feel exhausting facing and healing ourselves. I know that sometimes it can even feel scary. It can be difficult to admit to ourselves when we start to notice that because we are healing and moving forward, our nervous system is suddenly freaking out because change and growth are unknown. The idea that we are expanding and healing, can be terrifying. This is why taking the time to rest, and ground to our centers within ourselves is so incredibly important. I am slowly getting back into the swing of things and feeling better. Thank you to all who reached out, I am so incredibly appreciative for the love and support in our community. 🥰✨
Deck: Earth Magic Oracle Cards, Steven D. Farmer
Card: ICEBERG-Submerged
Message: "Whatever you suppress or deny and attempt to keep out of conscious awareness will show up somewhere and somehow. These are your shadow aspects. At one time, you put them out of your consciousness for good reason, yet they remain contained by shame and guilt. Sometimes these submerged aspects of yourself are projected onto others so that they mirror those denied or suppressed parts of you, and you may even harshly judge these characteristics went they are exhibited.
Now is the time to allow these elements to surface and embrace them. These may make up some sort of self-expression, a secret dream you wish to accomplish, or even uglier aspect that are difficult to acknowledge or accept. Whatever you have submerged deep inside of you, this is your opportunity to pay attention to those things and welcome them to the family called "you.""
If this message relates to you or if you would like to schedule a one-on-one session, please feel free to contact me!
Also, I have a small availability left for the December Discount Deal. Call today to book!
You got this!✨
Have a great week.